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## -*-Tcl-*-
# ###################################################################
# Vince's Additions - an extension package for Alpha
# FILE: "filesets.tcl"
# created: 20/7/96 {6:22:25 pm}
# last update: 6/4/97 {11:16:07 am}
# Author: Vince Darley
# E-mail: <darley@fas.harvard.edu>
# mail: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
# Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
# www: <http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/>
# Alpha calls two fileset-related routines, 'getCurrFileSet', and
# 'getFileSetNames'. Alpha will also attempt to set the variable 'currFileSet'
# on occasion, but this isn't critical.
# modified by rev reason
# -------- --- --- -----------
# 24/3/96 VMD 1.0 update of Pete's original to allow mode-specific filesets
# 27/3/96 VMD 1.1 added hierarchial filesets, and checks for unique menus
# 13/6/96 VMD 1.2 memory efficiency improvements with 'fileSets' array
# 10/3/97 VMD 1.3 added 'procedural' fsets, including 'Open Windows'
# 6/4/97 VMD 1.31 various fixes incorporated - thanks!
# ###################################################################
# These procedures are now more robust and general-purpose. Basic new
# features are:
# * user configurable menu
# * unique-menu names are ensured, so there can be no clashes
# * new fileset types ('tex' and 'fromHierarchy')
# * new utility functions ('stuff', 'wordCount',...)
# * filesets need not appear in the menu; in fact they can be
# anywhere you like
if $startingUp {
addMenu fsetMenuName
set fsetMenuName "•131"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "gCheckset" --
# If the global variable 'var' isn't yet defined, it is set to the
# value 'val'. Else nothing happens.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc gCheckset {v val} {
upvar \#0 $v var
if [info exists var] { return [set var] }
return [set var $val]
proc fsetMenuName {} {}
# Build some filesets on the fly.
catch {unset fileSets}
catch {unset currFileSet}
set gfileSets(Help) "$HOME:Help:*"
set gfileSets(System) "$HOME:Tcl:SystemCode:*.tcl"
set gfileSets(Menus) "$HOME:Tcl:Menus:*.tcl"
set gfileSets(Modes) "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:*.tcl"
set "gfileSets(Open Windows)" procFilesetOpenWindows
set gfileSetsType(Help) "fromDirectory"
set gfileSetsType(System) "fromDirectory"
set gfileSetsType(Menus) "fromDirectory"
set gfileSetsType(Modes) "fromDirectory"
set "gfileSetsType(Open Windows)" "procedural"
proc procFilesetOpenWindows {} { return [winNames -f] }
if !$alphaLite {
set gfileSets(User) "$HOME:Tcl:UserCode:*.tcl"
set gfileSetsType(User) "fromDirectory"
# Default curr fileset is the first one. Can be changed in 'prefs.tcl'.
set currFileSet [lindex [array names gfileSets] 0]
# #
# Section 1: Fileset variables and flags. #
# #
# Any of these can be over-ridden by the stored #
# definitions in defs.tcl, arrdefs.tcl #
# We don't show the 'help' fileset, since it's under the MacOS
# AppleGuide menu. Also we could perhaps yank tex-filesets away
# into their own menu, in which case the tex-system could add to
# this variable as it went along.
gCheckset filesetsNotInMenu { "Help" "Open Windows" }
# A type is a means of generating a fileset given its
# description in the variable 'gfileSets(name)':
gCheckset fileSetsTypes { "list" "glob" "fromHierarchy" "procedural" }
# A menu type is a means of prompting the user and
# characterising the interface to a type, even
# though the actual storage may be very simple
# (a list in most cases).
set fileSetsTypesThing(fromDirectory) "glob"
set fileSetsTypesThing(fromHierarchy) "fromHierarchy"
set fileSetsTypesThing(think) "list"
set fileSetsTypesThing(codewarrior) "list"
set fileSetsTypesThing(ftp) "list"
set fileSetsTypesThing(fromOpenWindows) "list"
set fileSetsTypesThing(procedural) "procedural"
# To add a new fileset type, you need to define the following:
# set fileSetsTypesThing(myType) "list"
# proc myTypeCreateFileset {} {}
# proc myTypeFilesetUpdate {name} {}
# For more complex types (e.g. the tex-type), define as follows:
# set fileSetsTypesThing(myType) "myType"
# proc myTypeCreateFileset {} {}
# proc myTypeFilesetSelected { fset menu item } {}
# proc myTypeFilesetUpdate { name } {}
# proc myTypeListFilesInFileset { name } {}
# proc myTypeMakeFileSetSubMenu { name } {}
# These procedures will all be called automatically under the
# correct circumstances. The purposes of these are as follows:
# 'create' -- query the user for name etc. and create
# 'update' -- given the information in 'gfileSets', recalculate
# the member files.
# 'selected' -- a member was selected in a menu.
# 'list' -- given info in all except 'fileSets', return list
# of files to be stored in that variable.
# 'submenu' -- generate the sub-menu
# Your code may wish to call 'isWindowInFileset ?win? ?type?' to
# check if a given (current by default) window is in a fileset of
# a given type.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "filesetSortOrder" --
# The structure of this variable dictates how the fileset
# menu is structured:
# '{pattern p}'
# lists all filesets which match 'p'
# '-'
# adds a separator line
# '{list of types}'
# lists all filesets of those types.
# '{submenu name sub-order-list}'
# adds a submenu with name 'name' and recursively
# adds filesets to that submenu as given by the
# sub-order.
# Leading, trailing and double separators are automatically
# removed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
gCheckset filesetSortOrder { {pattern System} {pattern Menus} {pattern Modes} {pattern User} {pattern Preferences} \
- {tex} - {pattern *.cc} {submenu Headers {pattern *.h}} \
- {fromDirectory think codewarrior ftp \
fromOpenWindows fromHierarchy} * }
set "filesetUtils(browseFileset…)" [list * browseFileset]
set "filesetUtils(renameFileset…)" [list * renameFileset]
set "filesetUtils(openEntireFileset…)" [list * openEntireFileset]
set "filesetUtils(filesetToAlpha…)" [list * filesetToAlpha]
set "filesetUtils(closeEntireFileset…)" [list * closeEntireFileset]
set "filesetUtils(replaceInFileset…)" [list * replaceInFileset]
set "filesetUtils(stuffFileset…)" [list * stuffFileset]
set "filesetUtils(wordCount)" [list * wordCountFileset]
set "filesetUtils(wordCountFast)" [list * wordCountFilesetFast]
set "filesetUtils(openFilesetFolder…)" [list * openFilesetFolder]
# The meaning of these flags is as follows:
# sortFilesetItems --
# a type can have the option of being unsorted (e.g. tex-filesets)
# indentFilesetItems --
# visual formatting may be of relevance to some types
# sortFilesetsByType --
# use the variable 'filesetSortOrder' to determine the
# visual structure of the fileset menu
# autoAdjustFileset --
# when a file is selected from the menu, do we try and
# keep 'currFileSet' accurate?
# includeNonTextFiles --
# filesets may include non-text files. Alpha will tell the
# finder to open these if they are selected.
foreach flag { sortFilesetItems indentFilesetItems sortFilesetsByType \
autoAdjustFileset includeNonTextFiles } {
gCheckset filesetFlags($flag) 0
unset flag
set filesetFlagsRebuild(sortFilesetsByType) "*"
set filesetFlagsRebuild(includeNonTextFiles) "*"
# To add a new fileset type, all we have to do is this:
set fileSetsTypesThing(tex) "tex"
lappend fileSetsTypes "tex"
# If you create new types just add lines like that to
# your "prefs.tcl", or install them permanently using
# addDef and addArrDef.
# The support routines.
# Called from Alpha to get list of files for current file set.
proc getCurrFileSet {} {
global currFileSet
return [getFileSet $currFileSet]
# Called from Alpha to get names. The first name returned is taken to
# be the current fileset.
proc getFileSetNames {} {
global gfileSets currFileSet gDirScan
set perm [list $currFileSet]
set temp {}
set ind [lsearch [array names gfileSets] $currFileSet]
if {$ind < 0} {set ind 0}
foreach n [lsort -ignore [array names gfileSets]] {
if {[info exists gDirScan($n)]} {
lappend temp $n
} else {
lappend perm $n
if {$temp != {}} {
return [concat $perm - $temp]
} else {
return $perm
# Keep 'sets' menu up to date.
trace vdelete currFileSet w shadowCurrFileSet
trace variable currFileSet w shadowCurrFileSet
proc shadowCurrFileSet {nm1 nm2 op} {
global gfileSets currFileSet
foreach name [array names gfileSets] {
if {$name == $currFileSet} {
catch {markMenuItem -m choose $name on}
} else {
catch {markMenuItem -m choose $name off}
return $currFileSet
# Edit a file from a fileset via list dialogs (no mousing around).
proc editFile {} {
global currFileSet modifiedVars gfileSetsType
set fset [pickFileset "" {Fileset?} "list" [list {*recent*}]]
set currFileSet $fset
lappend modifiedVars currFileSet
if {$fset == {*recent*}} {return [editRecentFile]}
set ff [getFilesInSet $fset]
foreach f $ff {
lappend disp [file tail $f]
foreach res [listpick -l -p {File?} [lsort -ignore $disp]] {
set ind [lsearch $ff \*:$res]
if {$gfileSetsType($fset) == "ftp"} {
ftpFilesetOpen $fset [lindex $ff $ind]
} else {
catch {generalOpenFile [lindex $ff $ind]}
# We only return TEXT files, since we don't want Alpha
# manipulating the data fork of non-text files.
proc getFileSet {fset} {
global filesetFlags
if $filesetFlags(includeNonTextFiles) {
set fnames ""
foreach f [getFilesInSet $fset] {
if [file isfile $f] {
getFileInfo $f a
if {$a(type) == "TEXT"} {
lappend fnames $f
return $fnames
} else {
return [getFilesInSet $fset]
proc browseFileset {{fset ""}} {
global tileLeft tileTop tileWidth errorHeight
set fset [pickFileset $fset {Fileset?}]
foreach f [getFilesInSet $fset] {
append text "\t[file tail $f]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t∞$f\r"
new -n "* FileSet '$fset' Browser *" -g $tileLeft $tileTop 200 $errorHeight
global winModes
set name [lindex [winNames] 0]
changeMode [set winModes($name) Brws]
insertText "(<cr> to go to file)\r-----\r$text\r"
goto 0
select [nextLineStart [nextLineStart 0]] [nextLineStart [nextLineStart [nextLineStart 0]]]
setWinInfo dirty 0
setWinInfo read-only 1
message ""
# #
# Section 2: Basic fileset procedures #
# #
proc newFileset {} {
global currFileSet gfileSetsType fileSetsTypesThing
set type [eval [list prompt "New fileset type?" \
"fromDirectory" "Type:"] [lsort -ignore [array names fileSetsTypesThing]]]
set name [eval ${type}CreateFileset]
if ![string length $name] return
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name $type
set gfileSetsType($name) $type
set currFileSet $name
filesetsJustChanged $type $name
return $currFileSet
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "filesetsJustChanged" --
# If we've added, deleted, modified a fileset, we call this procedure.
# In most cases we must rebuild everything (due to limitations in Alpha),
# but for 'procedural' filesets, we can just do the utilities menu.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc filesetsJustChanged {type name} {
if {$type == "procedural"} {
global filesetsNotInMenu modifiedVars
if {[lsearch $filesetsNotInMenu $name] == -1} {
lappend filesetsNotInMenu $name
lappend modifiedVars filesetsNotInMenu
} else {
proc deleteFileset { {fset ""} {yes 0} } {
global fileSets gfileSets currFileSet fileSetsExtra gfileSetsType
global fsetMenuName subMenuFilesetInfo subMenuInfo filesetsNotInMenu
global modifiedVars
set fset [pickFileset $fset "Delete which Fileset?"]
if {$currFileSet == $fset} {catch {set currFileSet System}}
if {$yes || [askyesno "Delete fileset \"$fset\"?"] == "yes"} {
catch {unset "fileSetsExtra($fset)"}
catch {unset "gfileSetsType($fset)"}
catch {unset "fileSets($fset)"}
catch {unset "gfileSets($fset)"}
removeArrDef gfileSetsType $fset
catch {removeArrDef fileSetsExtra $fset}
removeArrDef gfileSets $fset
# find its menu:
set base ""
if [info exists subMenuFilesetInfo($fset)] {
foreach m $subMenuFilesetInfo($fset) {
# remove info about it's name
catch {unset subMenuInfo($m)}
catch {removeMenu $m}
# try and remove it's base from the main menu too
if { [string trimright $m] == $fset } { set base $m }
unset subMenuFilesetInfo($fset)
if {[set l [lsearch $filesetsNotInMenu $fset]] != -1} {
set filesetsNotInMenu [lreplace $filesetsNotInMenu $l $l]
lappend modifiedVars filesetsNotInMenu
deleteMenuItem -m choose $fset
deleteMenuItem -m hideFileset $fset
if [catch {deleteMenuItem -m $fsetMenuName $base}] {
# it's on a submenu or somewhere else so we just have
# to do the lot!
if !$yes { rebuildAllFilesets }
} else {
deleteMenuItem -m choose $fset
deleteMenuItem -m hideFileset $fset
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "pickFileset" --
# Ask the user for a/several filesets. If 'fset' is set, we just
# return that (this avoids 'if {$fset != ""} { set fset [pick...] }
# constructs everywhere). A prompt can be given, and a dialog type
# (either a listpick, a pop-up menu, or a listpick with multiple
# selection), and extra items can be added to the list if desired.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pickFileset { fset {prompt Fileset?} {type "list"} {extras {}} } {
global gfileSets currFileSet
if { $fset != "" } { return $fset }
switch $type {
"popup" {
set fset [eval [list prompt $prompt \
$currFileSet "FileSet:"] [lsort -ignore [array names gfileSets]]]
if ![info exists gfileSets($fset)] { error "No such fileset" }
return $fset
"list" {
return [listpick -p $prompt -L $currFileSet \
[lsort -ignore [concat $extras [array names gfileSets]]]]
"multilist" {
return [listpick -p $prompt -l -L $currFileSet \
[lsort -ignore [concat $extras [array names gfileSets]]]]
proc renameFileset {} {
global fileSets gfileSets currFileSet fileSetsExtra gfileSetsType
global fileSetsTypesThing
set fset [pickFileset "" {Fileset to rename?}]
set name [getline "Rename to:" $fset]
if {![string length $name] || $name == $fset} return
set gfileSets($name) $gfileSets($fset)
set gfileSetsType($name) $gfileSetsType($fset)
catch {set fileSets($name) $fileSets($fset)}
catch {set fileSetsExtra($name) $fileSetsExtra($fset)}
deleteFileset $fset 1
addArrDef gfileSets $name $gfileSets($name)
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name $gfileSetsType($name)
catch {addArrDef fileSetsExtra $name $fileSetsExtra($name)}
filesetsJustChanged $gfileSetsType($name) $name
set currFileSet $name
proc updateCurrentFileset {} {
global currFileSet gfileSetsType
set type $gfileSetsType($currFileSet)
catch {eval "${type}FilesetUpdate" \{$currFileSet\} }
eval [makeFileSetAndMenu $currFileSet 1]
callFilesetUpdateProcedures $currFileSet
proc callFilesetUpdateProcedures { {fset ""} } {
global filesetUpdateProcs gfileSetsType
if { $fset == "" } {
set types [array names filesetUpdateProcs]
} else {
set types $gfileSetsType($fset)
foreach l $types {
if [info exists filesetUpdateProcs($l)] {
foreach proc $filesetUpdateProcs($l) {
eval $proc
proc listContains { list item } { return [expr [lsearch -exact $list $item] != -1] }
# #
# Section 3: Creation of basic fileset types #
# #
proc proceduralCreateFileset {} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType filesetsNotInMenu modifiedVars
set name [getline "Name for this fileset…"]
if {![string length $name]} return
set gfileSetsType($name) "procedural"
set p procFileset[join $name ""]
set gfileSets($name) $p
addUserLine "\# procedure to list files in fileset '$name' on the fly"
addUserLine "proc $p \{\} \{"
addUserLine "\t"
addUserLine "\}"
addArrDef gfileSets $name $gfileSets($name)
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name "procedural"
if {[askyesno "I've added a template for the procedure to your 'prefs.tcl'. Do you want to edit it now?"] == "yes"} {
goto [maxPos]
message "Make sure you 'load' the new procedure."
lappend filesetsNotInMenu $name
return $name
proc fromDirectoryCreateFileset {} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
set name [getFilesetDirectoryAndPattern]
if ![string length $name] return
set gfileSetsType($name) "fromDirectory"
if {[askyesno "Save new fileset?"] == "yes"} {
addArrDef gfileSets $name $gfileSets($name)
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name "fromDirectory"
return $name
proc getFilesetDirectoryAndPattern {} {
global gfileSets
set name [getline "New fileset name:" ""]
if {![string length $name]} return
set dir [string trim [get_directory -p "New fileset dir:"] ":"]
if {![string length $dir]} return
set filePat [getline "File pattern:" "*"]
if {![string length $filePat]} return
set gfileSets($name) "$dir:$filePat"
return $name
proc fromDirectoryFilesetUpdate {name} {
# done on the fly so no need to update
#global fileSets gfileSets
#set fileSets($name) [glob -nocomplain -t TEXT "$gfileSets($name)"]
proc fromHierarchyCreateFileset {} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
set name [getFilesetDirectoryAndPattern]
if ![string length $name] return
set gfileSetsType($name) "fromHierarchy"
set depth [listpick -p "Depth of hierarchy?" -L 3 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7}]
if { $depth == "" } {set depth 3}
set gfileSets($name) [list $gfileSets($name) $depth]
if {[askyesno "Save new fileset?"] == "yes"} {
addArrDef gfileSets $name $gfileSets($name)
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name "fromHierarchy"
return $name
proc fromHierarchyFilesetUpdate {name} {
global fileSets gfileSets
set fileSets($name) [fromHierarchyListFilesInFileSet $name]
proc fromHierarchyMakeFileSetAndMenu {name andMenu} {
global filesetTemp fileSets gfileSets
set dir [file dirname [lindex $gfileSets($name) 0]]
set patt [file tail [lindex $gfileSets($name) 0]]
set depth [lindex $gfileSets($name) 1]
# we make the menu as a string, but can bin it if we like
set menu [buildSubMenu [list $dir] $name filesetProc filesetTemp $patt $depth $name]
# we need to construct the list of items
set fileSets($name) {}
foreach n [array names filesetTemp] {
lappend fileSets($name) $filesetTemp($n)
unset filesetTemp
return $menu
proc fromHierarchyFilesetSelected {fset menu item} {
global gfileSets
set dir [file dirname [lindex $gfileSets($fset) 0]]
set ff [getFilesInSet $fset]
if { $fset == $menu } {
# it's top level
if {[set match [lsearch $ff ${dir}:$item]] >= 0} {
autoUpdateFileset $fset
generalOpenFile [lindex $ff $match]
# the following two are slightly cumbersome, but give us the best
# chance of finding the correct file given any ambiguity (which can
# certainly arise if file and directory names clash excessively).
if {[set match [lsearch $ff ${dir}:${menu}:$item]] >= 0} {
autoUpdateFileset $fset
generalOpenFile [lindex $ff $match]
if {[set match [lsearch $ff ${dir}:*:${menu}:$item]] >= 0} {
autoUpdateFileset $fset
generalOpenFile [lindex $ff $match]
alertnote "Weird! Couldn't find it."
proc codewarriorCreateTagFile {} { return [alphaCreateTagFile] }
proc thinkCreateTagFile {} { return [alphaCreateTagFile] }
proc codewarriorCreateFileset {} { return [createWarriorFileset] }
proc thinkCreateFileset {} { return [createThinkFileset] }
proc fromOpenWindowsCreateFileset {} {
global gfileSets
set name [prompt "Create fileset containing current windows under what name?" "OpenWins"]
addArrDef gfileSets $name [winNames -f]
set gfileSets($name) [winNames -f]
return $name
# #
# Section 4: Menu Procedures #
# #
# Global procedures to deal with the fact that Alpha can only have one
# menu with each given name. This is only a problem in dealing with
# user-defined menus such as fileset menus, tex-package menus, ...
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "makeFilesetSubMenu" --
# If desired this is the only procedure you need use --- it returns
# a menu creation string, taking account of the unique name requirement
# and will make sure your procedure 'proc' is called with the real
# menu name!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc makeFilesetSubMenu {fset name proc args} {
if { [string length $proc] > 1 } {
return [concat {menu -n} [list [registerFilesetMenuName $fset $name $proc]] -p subMenuProc $args]
} else {
return [concat {menu -n} [list [registerFilesetMenuName $fset $name]] $args]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "registerFilesetMenuName" --
# Call to ensure unique fileset submenu names. We just add spaces
# as appropriate and keep track of everything for you! Filesets
# which have multiple menus _must_ register the main menu first.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc registerFilesetMenuName {fset name {proc ""}} {
global subMenuInfo subMenuFilesetInfo
if { $fset == $name && [info exists subMenuFilesetInfo($fset)] } {
# if the fileset already has a base menu, use that:
foreach n $subMenuFilesetInfo($fset) {
if { [string trimright $n] == $fset } {
set base $n
unset subMenuInfo($n)
unset subMenuFilesetInfo($fset)
set original $name
if [info exists base] {
set name $base
} else {
# I add at least one space to _all_ hierarchical submenus now.
# This is so I won't clash with any current or future modes
# which should never normally add spaces themselves.
append name " "
while { [info exists subMenuInfo($name)] } {
append name " "
set subMenuInfo($name) [list "$fset" "$original" "$proc"]
# build list of a fileset's menus
lappend subMenuFilesetInfo($fset) "$name"
return $name
proc realMenuName {name} {
global subMenuInfo
return [lindex $subMenuInfo($name) 1]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "subMenuProc" --
# This procedure is implicitly used to deal with ensuring unique
# sub-menu names. It calls the procedure you asked for, with
# the name of the menu you think you're using.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc subMenuProc {menu item} {
global subMenuInfo
set l $subMenuInfo($menu)
set realProc [lindex $l 2]
# try and call the proc with three arguments (fileset is 1st)
if [catch {$realProc [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1] "$item"}] {
$realProc [lindex $l 1] "$item"
proc filesetMenuProc {menu item} {
global HOME
switch $item {
"Edit File" {
"Help" {
editMark "$HOME:Help:Manual" "File Sets" -r
"New Fileset" {
return [newFileset]
"Delete Fileset" {
return [deleteFileset]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "filesetProc" --
# Must be called by 'subMenuProc'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc filesetProc {fset menu item} {
global gfileSetsType
if {$fset != ""} {set m $fset} else { set m $menu}
switch $gfileSetsType($m) {
"fromDirectory" -
"think" -
"codewarrior" -
"fromOpenWindows" {
filesetBasicOpen $m $item
"ftp" { ftpFilesetOpen $m $item }
"default" {
# try a type-specific method first
if [catch {eval $gfileSetsType($m)FilesetSelected \{$fset\} \{$menu\} \{$item\}}] {
# if that failed then perhaps it only wants two parameters
if [catch {eval $gfileSetsType($m)FilesetSelected \{$menu\} \{$item\}}] {
# if that failed then just hope it's an ordinary list
filesetBasicOpen $m $item
proc filesetBasicOpen { menu item } {
if {[set match [lsearch [getFilesInSet $menu] *:$item]] >= 0} {
autoUpdateFileset $menu
generalOpenFile [lindex [getFilesInSet $menu] $match]
proc generalOpenFile {file} {
getFileInfo $file a
if {$a(type) == "TEXT"} {
edit $file
} else {
sendOpenEvent -noreply Finder "${file}"
proc registerUpdateProcedure { type proc } {
global filesetUpdateProcs
lappend filesetUpdateProcs($type) [list $proc]
proc filesetUtilsProc { menu item } {
global filesetUtils gfileSetsType currFileSet filesetFlags filesetFlagsRebuild
if [info exists filesetUtils($item)] {
# it's a utility
set utilDesc $filesetUtils($item)
set allowedTypes [lindex $utilDesc 0]
if [string match $allowedTypes $gfileSetsType($currFileSet)] {
return [eval [lindex $utilDesc 1]]
} else {
message "That utility can't be applied to the current file-set."
} elseif [info exists filesetFlags($item)] {
# it's a flag
if [set filesetFlags($item) [expr 1 - $filesetFlags($item)]] {
markMenuItem "filesetFlags" $item on
} else {
markMenuItem "filesetFlags" $item off
addArrDef filesetFlags "$item" "$filesetFlags($item)"
if [info exists filesetFlagsRebuild($item)] {
rebuildSomeFilesetMenu $filesetFlagsRebuild($item)
} else {
proc getFilesInSet {fset} {
global gfileSets fileSetsTypesThing gfileSetsType
switch $fileSetsTypesThing($gfileSetsType($fset)) {
"list" {
return $gfileSets($fset)
"glob" {
global filesetFlags
if $filesetFlags(includeNonTextFiles) {
return [glob -nocomplain "$gfileSets($fset)"]
} else {
return [glob -nocomplain -t TEXT "$gfileSets($fset)"]
"procedural" {
return [$gfileSets($fset)]
"default" {
global fileSets
return $fileSets($fset)
proc makeFileSetAndMenu { name andMenu } {
global gfileSetsType fileSetsTypesThing
message "Building ${name}..."
set type $gfileSetsType($name)
switch $fileSetsTypesThing($type) {
"list" -
"glob" {
if $andMenu {
set menu {}
foreach m [getFilesInSet $name] {
lappend menu "[file tail $m]\&"
return [makeFilesetSubMenu $name $name filesetProc -s -m [lsort -i $menu]]
} else {
"procedural" {
"default" {
return [${type}MakeFileSetAndMenu $name $andMenu]
proc filesetsSorted { order usedvar } {
upvar $usedvar used
global filesetFlags gfileSets gfileSetsType
set sets {}
foreach item $order {
switch -- [lindex $item 0] {
"-" {
# add divider
lappend sets "(-"
"*" {
# add all the rest
set subset {}
foreach s [array names gfileSets] {
if ![listContains $used $s] {
lappend subset $s
lappend used $s
foreach f [lsort $subset] {
lappend sets [makeFileSetAndMenu $f 1]
"pattern" {
# find all which match a given pattern
set patt [lindex $item 1]
set subset {}
foreach s [array names gfileSets] {
if ![listContains $used $s] {
if [string match $patt $s] {
lappend subset $s
lappend used $s
foreach f [lsort $subset] {
lappend sets [makeFileSetAndMenu $f 1]
"submenu" {
# add a submenu with name following and sub-order
set name [lindex $item 1]
set suborder [lrange $item 2 end]
# we make kind of a pretend fileset here.
set subsets [filesetsSorted $suborder used]
if { $subsets != "" } {
lappend sets [makeFilesetSubMenu $name $name filesetProc -m $subsets]
"default" {
set subset {}
foreach s [array names gfileSets] {
if {[listContains $item $gfileSetsType($s)] && ![listContains $used $s]} {
lappend subset $s
lappend used $s
foreach f [lsort $subset] {
lappend sets [makeFileSetAndMenu $f 1]
# remove multiple and leading, trailing '-' in case there were gaps
regsub -all {\(-( \(-)+} $sets {(-} sets
while { [lindex $sets 0] == "(-" } { set sets [lrange $sets 1 end] }
set l [expr [llength $sets] -1]
if { [lindex $sets $l] == "(-" } { set sets [lrange $sets 0 [incr l -1]] }
return $sets
# This should be used by "AlphaBits.tcl" for the initial build.
# After that it is only necessary to call 'rebuildAllFilesets'.
# Currently this proc is only necessary for backwards compatibility
# It should be removed at some future date.
proc rebuildFilesetMenu {} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
foreach fset [array names gfileSets] {
if ![info exists gfileSetsType($fset)] {
addArrDef gfileSetsType "$fset" "fromDirectory"
set gfileSetsType($fset) "fromDirectory"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "zapAndBuildFilesets" --
# This does a complete rebuild of all information. The problem is that
# the names of menus may actually change (spaces added/deleted). This
# is not a problem for the fileset menu, but is a problem for any
# filesets which have been added to other menus, since they won't know
# that they need to be rebuilt.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc zapAndBuildFilesets {} {
global subMenuInfo subMenuFilesetInfo
unset subMenuInfo
unset subMenuFilesetInfo
proc rebuildAllFilesets {} {
global gfileSets fsetMenuName filesetSortOrder
global filesetFlags filesetsNotInMenu
if $filesetFlags(sortFilesetsByType) {
# just make file-sets for those we don't want in the menu
foreach f $filesetsNotInMenu {
makeFileSetAndMenu $f 0
set used $filesetsNotInMenu
set sets [filesetsSorted $filesetSortOrder used]
} else {
foreach f [lsort [array names gfileSets]] {
set doMenu [expr ![listContains $filesetsNotInMenu $f]]
set menu [makeFileSetAndMenu $f $doMenu]
if { $doMenu && $menu != "" } {
lappend sets $menu
regsub -all {[-][nm]} $sets "" names
set names [map cadr $names]
set names [map "string trimright" $names]
menu -m -n $fsetMenuName -p filesetMenuProc \
[concat {{/'Edit File…} {menu -n Utilities {}}} "Help" \
"(-" $sets]
message ""
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "rebuildSomeFilesetMenu" --
# If given '*' rebuild the entire menu, else rebuild only those types
# given. This is generally useful to avoid excessive rebuilding when
# flags are adjusted
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc rebuildSomeFilesetMenu {amount} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
switch -- $amount {
"*" {
"default" {
foreach f [lsort [array names gfileSets]] {
if {$f == "Help"} continue
if [listContains $amount $gfileSetsType($f)] {
eval [makeFileSetAndMenu $f 1]
proc rebuildFilesetUtilsMenu {} {
global gfileSets currFileSet fileSetsTypesThing filesetUtils filesetFlags
menu -n "Utilities" -p filesetUtilsProc [concat \
"newFileset…" \
"deleteFileset…" \
"updateCurrentFileset" \
"<S<EzapAndBuildFilesets" \
"<SrebuildAllFilesets" \
\{[list menu -n choose -m -p changeFileSet [lsort [array names gfileSets]]]\} \
\{[list menu -n hideFileset -m -p hideShowFileset [lsort [array names gfileSets]]]\} \
\{[list menu -n filesetFlags -p filesetUtilsProc [lsort [array names filesetFlags]]]\} \
"(-" \
"/T<I<OfindTag" \
"createTagFile" \
"(-" \
[lsort [array names filesetUtils]] \
proc rebuildSimpleFilesetMenus {} {
global gfileSets fileSetsTypesThing
menu -n choose -m -p changeFileSet [lsort [array names gfileSets]]
menu -n createFileset -p createFileset [array names fileSetsTypesThing]
menu -n hideFileset -m -p hideShowFileset [lsort [array names gfileSets]]
proc hideShowFileset { menu item } {
global filesetsNotInMenu fsetMenuName
if [listContains $filesetsNotInMenu $item] {
global gfileSetsType
if {$gfileSetsType($item) == "procedural"} {
alertnote "Sorry, procedural filesets are completely dynamic and cannot appear in menus."
set idx [lsearch $filesetsNotInMenu $item]
set filesetsNotInMenu [lreplace $filesetsNotInMenu $idx $idx]
markMenuItem -m hideFileset $item off
# would be better if we could just insert it
} else {
lappend filesetsNotInMenu $item
markMenuItem -m hideFileset $item on
removeMenu $item
if [catch { deleteMenuItem -m $fsetMenuName $item }] {
# it's on a submenu and I can't be bothered to write
# code to find that submenu name right now.
global modifiedVars
lappend modifiedVars filesetsNotInMenu
proc filesetUtilsMarksTicks {} {
global currFileSet filesetFlags filesetsNotInMenu
markMenuItem -m choose $currFileSet on
foreach flag [array names filesetFlags] {
if $filesetFlags($flag) {
markMenuItem "filesetFlags" $flag on
} else {
markMenuItem "filesetFlags" $flag off
foreach name $filesetsNotInMenu {
markMenuItem -m hideFileset $name on
# Called in response to user changing filesets from the fileset menu.
proc changeFileSet {menu item} {
global currFileSet tagFile
markMenuItem -m choose $currFileSet off
set currFileSet $item
markMenuItem -m choose $currFileSet on
# Bring in the tags file for this fileset
set fname [tagFileName]
if {[file exists $fname]} {
if {[askyesno "Use tag file from folder \"$dir\" ?"] == "yes"} {
set tagFile $fname
proc autoUpdateFileset { name } {
global currFileSet filesetFlags
if $filesetFlags(autoAdjustFileset) {
set currFileSet $name
# #
# Section 5: General Utility procedures #
# #
proc isWindowInFileset { {win "" } {type ""} } {
if {$win == ""} { set win [lindex [winNames -f] 0] }
global currFileSet gfileSets gfileSetsType
if { $type == "" } {
set okSets [array names gfileSets]
} else {
set okSets {}
foreach s [array names gfileSets] {
if { $gfileSetsType($s) == $type } {
lappend okSets $s
if [array exists gfileSets] {
if {[lsearch -exact $okSets $currFileSet] != -1 } {
# check current fileset
if {[lsearch -exact [getFilesInSet $currFileSet] $win] != -1 } {
# we're set, it's in this fileset
return $currFileSet
# check other fileset
foreach fset $okSets {
if {[lsearch -exact [getFilesInSet $fset] $win] != -1 } {
# we're set, it's in this project
return $fset
return ""
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "iterateFileset" --
# Utility procedure to iterate over all files in a project,
# calling some predefined function '$fn' for each member of
# project '$proj'. The results of such a call are passed to
# '$resfn' if given. Finally "done" is passed to 'resfn'.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc iterateFileset { proj fn { resfn \# } } {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
eval $resfn "first"
set check [expr ![catch {$gfileSetsType($proj)IterateCheck check}]]
foreach ff [getFileSet $proj] {
if { $check && [$gfileSetsType($proj)IterateCheck $proj $ff] } {
set res [eval $fn \{$ff\}]
eval $resfn \{$res\}
if $check {
catch {$gfileSetsType($proj)IterateCheck done}
eval $resfn "done"
# #
# Section 6: Tags #
# #
if ![string length [info commands alphaFindTag]] {
rename findTag alphaFindTag
rename createTagFile alphaCreateTagFile
proc tagFileName {} {
global gfileSets currFileSet
return [file dirname [car $gfileSets($currFileSet)]]:[join ${currFileSet}]TAGS
proc findTag {} {
global gfileSetsType currFileSet
# try a type-specific method first
if [catch {$gfileSetsType($currFileSet)FindTag}] {
proc createTagFile {} {
global gfileSetsType currFileSet tagFile modifiedVars
set tagFile [tagFileName]
lappend modifiedVars tagFile
# try a type-specific method first
if [catch {$gfileSetsType($currFileSet)CreateTagFile}] {
# #
# Section 7: Utils #
# #
proc dirtyFileset { fset } {
foreach f [getFilesInSet $fset] {
if { ![catch {getWinInfo -w $f arr}] && $arr(dirty)} { return 1 }
return 0
proc saveEntireFileset { fset } {
foreach f [getFilesInSet $fset] {
if { ![catch {getWinInfo -w $f arr}] && $arr(dirty)} {
bringToFront $f
proc closeEntireFileset { {fset ""} } {
set fset [pickFileset $fset "Close which fileset?" "popup"]
foreach f [getFilesInSet $fset] {
if ![catch {getWinInfo -w $f arr}] {
bringToFront $f
proc fileToAlpha {f} {
if {[file isfile $f] && ([getFileType $f] == "TEXT") && ([getFileSig $f] != "ALFA")} {
message "Converting $f"
setFileInfo $f creator ALFA
proc filesetToAlpha {} {
set fset [pickFileset "" {Convert all files from which fileset?} "popup"]
iterateFileset $fset fileToAlpha
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "replaceInFileset" --
# Quotes things correctly so searches work, and adds a check on
# whether there are any windows.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc replaceInFileset {} {
global gfileSets
set from [prompt "Search string:" [searchString]]
searchString $from
set from [quoteExpr $from]
regsub -all {&} $from {\\&} from
regsub -all {\^} $from {\\^} from
regsub -all {\$} $from {\\$} from
regsub -all {\?} $from {\\?} from
set to [prompt "Replace string:" [replaceString]]
replaceString $to
regsub -all {&} $to {\\&} to
set fsets [pickFileset "" "Which filesets?" "multilist"]
if {[winNames] != ""} {
if {[buttonAlert "Save all windows?" "Yes" "Cancel"] != "Yes"} return
set cid [scancontext create]
scanmatch $cid $from {
set matches($f) 1
foreach fset $fsets {
foreach f [getFileSet $fset] {
if {![catch {set fid [open $f]}]} {
message "Looking at '[file tail $f]'"
scanfile $cid $fid
close $fid
scancontext delete $cid
foreach f [array names matches] {
message "Modifying ${f}…"
set cid [open $f "r"]
if {[regsub -all $from [read $cid] $to out]} {
set ocid [open $f "w+"]
puts -nonewline $ocid $out
close $ocid
close $cid
if {[winNames] != ""} {
if {[buttonAlert "Revert affected windows?" "Yes" "No"] == "Yes"} {
foreach f [array names matches] {
foreach w [winNames -f] {
set ww $w
regexp {(.*) <[0-9]+>} $w dummy w
if {$f == $w} {
bringToFront $ww
message ""
proc openEntireFileset {} {
set fset [pickFileset "" "Open which fileset?" "popup"]
# we use our iterator in case there's something special to do
iterateFileset $fset "edit -c -w"
proc openFilesetFolder {} {
global gfileSets
set fset [pickFileset "" "Open which fileset's folder?" "popup"]
titlebar [file dirname $gfileSets($fset)]
proc stuffFileset {} {
global gfileSetsType gfileSets
set fset [pickFileset "" "Which fileset shall I stuff?" "popup"]
if [string length $fset] {
if { $gfileSetsType($fset) == "fromDirectory" && \
[askyesno "Stuff entire directory?"] == "yes" } {
launchForeAppl DStf
sendOpenEvent reply 'DStf' "[file dirname $gfileSets($fset)]:"
} else {
launchForeAppl DStf
eval sendOpenEvents 'DStf' [getFilesInSet $fset]
sendQuitEvent 'DStf'
proc filesetRememberOpenClose { file } {
global fileset_openorclosed
set fileset_openorclosed [list "$file" [lsearch -exact [winNames -f] $file]]
proc filesetRevertOpenClose { file } {
global fileset_openorclosed
if { [lindex $fileset_openorclosed 0] == "$file" } {
if { [lindex $fileset_openorclosed 1] < 0 } {
catch {unset fileset_openorclosed}
proc wordCountFileset {} {
global currFileSet
iterateFileset $currFileSet wordCountProc filesetUtilWordCount
proc wordCountFilesetFast {} {
global currFileSet
iterateFileset $currFileSet wc filesetUtilWordCount
proc filesetUtilWordCount { count } {
global fs_ccount fs_wcount fs_lcount
switch $count {
"first" {
set fs_ccount 0
set fs_wcount 0
set fs_lcount 0
"done" {
alertnote "There were $fs_ccount lines, $fs_wcount words and $fs_ccount chars"
unset fs_ccount fs_wcount fs_lcount
default {
incr fs_ccount [lindex $count 2]
incr fs_wcount [lindex $count 1]
incr fs_lcount [lindex $count 0]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# "wordCountProc" --
# We use this proc to count words. Calling 'wc' would be quicker (it is a
# C procedure and doesn't require the opening of a file), however it seems
# to have a HUGE memory leak so is a bit useless for our purposes.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc wordCountProc { file } {
filesetRememberOpenClose "$file"
openFileQuietly "$file"
set chars [maxPos]
set lines [lindex [posToRowCol $chars] 0]
set text [getText 0 [maxPos]]
regsub -all {[!=;.,\(\#\=\):\{\"\}]} $text " " ret
set words [llength $ret]
unset text ret
filesetRevertOpenClose $file
return "$chars $words $lines"
# Section 2: Basic fileset procedures #
proc findNewFileset {} {
return [newFileset]
proc findNewDirectory {} {
global gfileSets currFileSet gfileSetsType gDirScan
set dir [string trim [get_directory -p "Scan which folder?"] ":"]
if {![string length $dir]} return
set filePat {*}
set name [file tail $dir]
set gfileSets($name) "$dir:$filePat"
set gDirScan($name) 1
set gfileSetsType($name) "fromDirectory"
set currFileSet $name
return $name
# Should be last so all filesets make it in.
message "Building filesets..."